Rain Runner Mat
Rightway offers many solutions for your custom mat. Sometimes these choices can be complex because there are many factors to consider (for example: door clearance). We can help you discover the BEST solution for your matting needs. Please complete our information request form, or call us at 1-800-637-0938.
Prices start at $69
Moisture on building lobby floors can cause slips and falls! Woops! Placing yellow caution signs in the building lobby when it rains or snows doesn’t solve the potential slip hazard. Most public buildings have permanent entrance mats in place at entrances, but there just isn’t enough walking steps to rid the bottom of shoes from moisture. Thus a potentially tragic situation can be simply solved with Rain Runners. Rain Runners have a nylon surface that captures moisture instantly when people walk on this solution-dyed floor mat. This Rain Runner is impervious to bleach damage, soiling, sunlight, and repeated washings. The floor mat backing is an anti-static rubber backing with 5/8″ border. Of course, the Rain Floormat runner passes the flammability test.
Roll it out on rainy days, roll it up for quick storage
What works best? With single 36″ width doors, we suggest a runner that is 3 feet wide by 10 feet long. The double door entrance needs a Rain Runner that is 5 feet wide by 10 feet in length. This allows the proper length for shoe steps to capture the moisture. This mat is made in the U.S.A.

What about colors! The Rain Floormat Runners are available in a choice of 8 colors. These colors are designed to complement both traditional and modern schemes. Frontier Gray and Honeycomb Brown are favorites. Dark enough to hide the soil.
Rain Runner Mat is Available 8 Stunning Colors

Rain Floormat Runners are constructed with the superior rubber backing so when you need to roll up these floormat runners, you have a tight spiraled mat to place in a small storage space. And best of all, the rubber edge will lay flat on this floor when you re-use it. Did we mention weight? Under 20 lb so one person can usually place and pick up and store. Rain Floormat Runners are made in the USA.
Contact Rightway for more information on rain floor mat runners.
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